Last modified: Monday, 11 March, 2013 14:00

Jean Monnet Module

Mass-Media and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe without Borders


European Commission


Education and Culture

The Module approaches the issue of multicultural communication management and the way this process is presented in the media. The new borderless Europe has to understand and establish connections between its different nations and cultures lest cultural borders stronger and more difficult to cross should appear. Thanks to its means, the media is a fundamental actor in this process, as in a globalised world, information and communication help solving intercultural issues.


Call for papers

 The core objectives to be achieved

•  understanding the importance of diversity in the new Europe and the need to connect cultures

•  understanding the new meaning of the borders

•  reducing communicational barriers

•  getting to know the particularities of different European countries

•  efficient conflict management

•  bringing the role of the media to the foreground and managing intercultural contacts

Staff involved

Luminita Soproni, PhD

Lecturer at the Department of International Relations and European Studies, she has a DESS diploma in Administration and Management of Communication at the University of Social Sciences , Toulouse I (France). She is editor of the 3 rd volume of Eurolimes (Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies “Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excelence, entitled “ Media, Intercultural Dialogue and the New EU Borders ”. Her scientific interests are focused on intercultural communication, regional marketing and EU policies.

Ioan Horga, PhD

Director of the Institute for Euroregional Studies (Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence at the University of Oradea ). He has been a Jean Monnet Professor since 2002. He is interested in the history of European integration, EU enlargement, regional policy, neighbourhood policy . Since 2006, he has been the Secretary General of the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities.

Vasile Ciocan, PhD

Senior lecturer at the Department of International Relations and European Studies. He has a postgraduate diploma in Human Resources Development at the U niversity of Wolverhampton , United Kingdom and his scientific interests are concentrating on European law, European institutions, cross-border cooperation. He was the chief of border police at the frontier between Romania , Hungary and Ukraine .

The objectives of the module are:

•  to disseminate information about the cultural diversity in Europe among the students at undergraduate and postgraduate level

•  to contribute to the awareness of the importance and responsibilities of the media in the European enlargement process

•  to better understand the new meaning of frontiers in the European Union

•  to promote and to strengthen effective intercultural dialogue in Europe through understanding that the social and cultural impact of enlargement will be significant for each nation of the new EU

•  to promote the active participation of students/citizens to the process of European integration through reflection and debate on the various communicational aspects of this process

•  to promote the dissemination of knowledge on European integration issues through teaching and interactive learning

•  to stimulate knowledge of European communication issues through teaching, reflection, debate and applied research

•  to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge on the role of the media in realising the effective intercultural dialogue

•  to create human resources able to develop cross-border cooperation projects using the instruments of the European Neighbourhood Policy .


The Institute for Euroregional Studies