Last modified: Tuesday, 7 January, 2014 15:21

Jean Monnet Module Cristina DOGOT




"Political leadership and the organizational development of the European Union"


The reason for the project:

  • The University of Oradea is one which have an important history in Romanian education system. Hence, in 1870, in Oradea was established a high school of philosophy, and in 1788 was established a faculty of law, the first in this part of Europe. After this, the University developed numerous other specialisations, but in the communist period some of them were take off. However, after 1989 the University of Oradea knew an important spin-off, numerous faculties were established, and amongst them the History-Geography, firstly established in 1964 but forced to cease its activity in 1977, reestablished in 1990 and reorganised two times and permanently developed. Hence, today the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Sciences of Communications is grouping three departments and eight specialisations. The specialisation European Studies and International Relations was established in 2003, and although it is a new one, the faculty team already register numerous scientific realisations: the establishment of the Institute for Euro-regional studies; the establishment and development of the journal Eurolimes, arrived to its 16th issue and is rated in numerous scientific databases, and the tome International Relations and European Studies of the journal Analele Universităţii din Oradea, established in December 2009.


  • 2011
  Photos of Conference [foto]  
  Published works of conference  
  • Contents_Eurolimes_11 Link
  • Cover Eurolimes 11 Link
  Books bought in 2011 Link  
  Poster Conference 2011 Link  
  Press release 2011 Link  
  Programme of conference 2011 Link  
  • 2012
  Local Journal Article on Round Table Link  
  Press release Round Table Link  
  Programme of the Round Table Link  
  • 2013
  Bought Books  
  • Institutul European Link
  • Oxford University Press Link
  Conference April 2013  
  • Volume of the Conference Link
  • Press release Link
  • Programme of the Conference Link
  Electronic Courses  
  • Leadership-ul politic si dezvoltarea organizaţională a Uniunii Europene Link
  • Modele ale dezvoltării regionale. Evaluarea politicilor regionale Link
  Round Table June 2013  
  • Local Journal Article on Round Table Link
  • Press Release Round Table Link
  • Programme-Table Ronde Juin 2013 Link


















The Institute for Euroregional Studies