Last modified: Wednesday, 7 September, 2016 10:57

Jean Monnet Module Cristina MATIUTA



Active Citizenship, Identity and Democratic Governance in the European Union


The reason for the project:

  • The aim of the project is to stimulate teaching, research and reflection activities in two interrelated fields of European integration studies: active citizenship and identity in the European Union.

The objectives of the project are: 

  • to stimulate knowledge on two European processes: developing a sense of belonging to the European Union and engaging citizens in its life
  • to increase the visibility of scientific research and academic activities in the field of European studies
  • to enrich the university curriculum with two courses which propose an innovative approach on European studies
  • to increase knowledge of the mechanisms and channels of influencing EU decision-making processes
  • to raise awareness of the importance of citizens’ participation in the EU multilevel governance system
  • to develop civic and social skills and respect for diversity and rights of the others
  • to reduce the communicational barriers between people from different European countries
  • to develop students’ capacity to participate constructively in debates of European integration, to bring in discussions logically constructed arguments and well documented points of view


Project Team:

  • Cristina Matiuta , Module Leader, Senior Lecturer PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)
  • Mircea Brie, Module Leader, Senior Lecturer PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)
  • Ioan Horga, Member of the teaching staff, Professor PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)


  • Active citizenship in the European Union
  • Identity, parcipation and democracy in a changing Europe


  • International Conference

  • Poster (download)
  • Program (download)
  • Photos (download)




Volume 1

Democratic Governance and Active Citizenship in the European Union

Cristina Matiuta

Lambert Academic Publishing

ISBN 978-3-659-77508-6

  • Round Table
  • Poster (download)
  • Program (download)
  • Photos (download)





The Institute for Euroregional Studies