Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November, 2016 10:19

Jean Monnet Module Dana PANTEA


The Image of the Other in the European Intercultural Dialogue

Jean Monnet Project n.543593-LLP-1-2013-1-RO-AJM-MO


The reason of the project :
  • The context we are living in today, has amplified the problems of intercultural communication which emerge in different aspects and manifest themselves at different levels. The pressure of globalization has shown its impact upon the identity of the individuals, groups, organizations, institutions as well as national cultural identities. After the fall of communism we witness a nationalist resurgence, therefore the intercultural dialogue cannot avoid the problem of nationality and cultural identity as present in the postmodern world. If we were to speak about Europe we can say that it reconstructed itself on the basis of the nation states. On the other hand this fact generated two great conflicts in the 20 th century.

    From this perspective the European integration process has both a geopolitical significance and a duty namely to overcome the nation state by means of intercultural communication. It is here that the problem of the Other, the stranger, the neighbour, the migrant, arises. We have to mention here that globalization interconnects cultures and during the communication between them it is the image that the involved actors have about themselves and about the Other that determines how they interact. Moreover, the existing communication network makes intercultural communication more and more intense, that’s why, to understand the idea of image, has become vital.

The aims of the project:

  • identifying the stereotypes, the prejudices in creating the image,
  • understanding the role of the image in communication,
  • understanding the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity,
  • identifying the means to combat racism, prejudice, xenophobia, discrimination,
  • promoting gender equality,
  • identifying the means to promote intercultural communication

Project Team:

  • Dana Pantea – Module Leader, Lecturer PhD, University of Oradea
  • Ioan Horga, Member of the teaching staff, Professor PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)
  • Mircea Brie, Member of the Teaching Staff, Professor PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)


  • Dana Pantea, Intercultural Communication

Course description

Teaching Nr.



Intercultural Communication

Prof. in charge

Dana Pantea



x Seminar

o Training course





The course is addressed to students in master degree, second year

Along the history of humanity there were closed cultures and civilizations. But the modern period, the great geographical discoveries, the emergence of colonial empires determined openness between cultures and civilizations marking the beginning of free cultural communication. Against this background both old and new attitudes are revealed: ignorance, indifference towards the customs, beliefs and way of living of the Other.

Today, in a changing environment new perspectives upon the rapport between unity and diversity, between integration and identity appear. Intercultural communication makes use of different approaches in order to analyze the intercultural interactions and experiences in which are engaged so many social actors: states, nations, cultures or individuals, organizations, institutions, groups.

The course aims to acquaint students with knowledge of the idea of Otherness. Topics to be discussed: the theories regarding the creation of the image, the role of the Other in intercultural communication, women seen as the Otherin various circumstances of everyday life, and the development of this image, the importance of communication in conflict prevention and security and the role of the Other in European integration..

Necessities: books, journals, research materials, Internet access, computer, video projector, DVDs.

Course structure:

The image of the Other and Cultural identity

The Other as a social actor in the process of European integration

The image of the Other in media

Women as the Other in European union

The image of women in politics

Force and quality of women in society

Feminist theories

Feminist perspective on freedom, power and justice

Women’s role and action in intercultural communication

Cultural communication and conflict prevention

Communication and cultural diversity – the core of European identity


  1. Alexander Schnell, (ed) L’image, Vrin, Paris, 2007
  2. Didier Francfort, Le Chant des Nations Misique et Culture en Europe, 1870-1914, Hachette, 2004
  3. Jacques Rupnik, (ed) Les Europeens face a l’elargissment. Perceptions, acteurs, enjeux, Press de Sciences Po, 2004
  4. Elisabeth Guigou Je vous parle d’Europe, Seuil, Paris, 2004
  5. Philip Herzog, L’Europe après l’Europe. Les voies d’une metamorphose, DeBoeck Universite, 2002
  6. Sandu Frunza, Nicu Gavriluta, Michael S Jones, (ed) The challenges of multiculturalism in central and eastern Europe, editura Provopress, Cluj-Napoca, 2005
  7. Ion Aurel Pop, Sorina Paula Bolovan, Ioan Bolovan, Pursuing Diversity. Demographic realities and ethno-confessional structures in Transylvania, in Transylvanian Review, vol XIX, suppl, Romanian Academy, 2010
  8. Cultural History Journal of the International Society for Cultural History, Vol 1, number1, Edinburgh University Press, 2012
  9. Gerard Leclerc, Mondializarea cultural. Civilizatiile puse la incercare, editura Stiinta, 2003
  10. Mircea Brie, Sorin Sipos, Ioan Horga, Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area. Historical Perspectives, editura Univeristatii din Oradea, 2011


Please note that for Jean Monnet Chairs, only one professor may hold the Chair and must assume sole responsibility for delivering the minimum number of teaching hours required (90 hours).


Ioan Horga, Intercultural Dialogue, Means to Manage European Diversity

Course description

Teaching Nr.



Intercultural Dialogue, Means to Manage European Diversity

Prof. in charge

Ioan Horga


x Lecture

o xSeminar

o Training course





Nowadays the European Union’s problems to face have considerably increased from the point of view of diversity, in terms of political, social, economic and cultural aspects. In this context, it is essential to ensure that this diversity becomes a source of richness rather than a source of confrontation.

Many international events have provoked severe tensions and given renewed meaning to the concept of “clash of civilizations” that’s why it is essential to promote intercultural dialogue, conflict prevention and communication. It can also play a central role in the Union’s new Neighbourhood Policy. The challenge is even greater due to the contemporary demographic realities, migration of persons and labour force, thus leading to an increasing complexity.

The academic aims of this course are: to relate intercultural communication to the process of European integration; to appreciate the role of each culture in building the European identity, to analyse and understand models of cross-cultural comparisont and conflict prevention. The relevance of intercultural dialogue can even be applied business communication.

Structure of the course:

European integration process – particularities, opportunities and


specifics of European cultures;

the gains of cultural diversity;

cultural values;

living in the environment of another culture;

EU communication policy; main models of cross-cultural comparison: Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, Hall, Hofstede, Trompenaars and


intercultural dialogue and conflict prevention;

intercultural communication in business; planning cross-cultural research

Bibliography :

  1. Dieter Fuchs, Hans – Dieter Klingemann, Cultural diversity, European identity and the legitimacy of the EU, Eduard Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, 2011
  2. Melissa Pautel, Unity in Diversity:cultural policy and EU Legitimacy, in Thomas Banchoff, Mitchell P.Smith (ed.), Legitimacy and the European Union: the contested polity, Routledge, 1999
  3. Furio Cerutti, Sonia Lucarelli, The search for a European identity: values, policies and the legitimacy of the European Union, Routledge, 2008
  4. Jan Berting, Europe: a heritage, a challenge, a promise, Eburon Academic Pub., 1999
  5. Wright D. Smith, Whose Europe` the turn towards democracy, Oxford, Blackwell Pub., 1999
  6. A M. Thiesse, La création des identités nationales, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1999
  7. H vedrine, Les cartes de la France à l’heure de la mondialisations, Paris, Fayard, 2000
  8. C. Villain – gandossi (ed.), L’Europe à la recherche de son identité, Paris, Edition du CTHS, 2002
  9. J. P. Warnier, La mondialisation de la culture, paris, Editions la Découverte, 2004
  10. Biserka Cvjetičanin (ed.), Dynamics of Communication and Cultural Change: The Role of Networks, Proceedings of the First World Culturelink Conference, Zagreb, June 8-11, 1995, Zagreb: Institute for International Relations 1996 (Culturelink special issue 1996),
  11. Gerhild Illmaier, Cultural Networks in Europe Today, Graz 1997.

Please note that for Jean Monnet Chairs, only one professor may hold the Chair and must assume sole responsibility for delivering the minimum number of teaching hours required (90 hours).



Course description

Teaching Nr.




Prof. in charge

Mircea Brie


x Lecture

x Seminar

o Training course





Increasing interest in the research of the border, its typology, cultural diversity and cooperation mechanisms; 2. Strengthening the exchange of ideas/solutions amongst groups of young people from the academic/educational environment and civil society; 3. Increasing cohesion of young groups coming from different backgrounds by removing the obstacles between people and cultures; 4. Increasing the level of information on the features of ethno-confessional groups; 5. Generating cooperation vectors through a better knowledge of minorities; 6. Developing research skills of young participants to the lectures

Structure of the course:

Political evolution in the European area in the binomial Romanians and barbarians/Christianity and paganism

UE involvement in conflict areas neighbouring the European borders

The imperial idea as a factor for political unity of Europe. States in Central Europe.

. Turkish, Balkan and Caucasian neighbourhood

Christianity – a new unifying force for people in the European area. The policy of the Holy See in Central Europe and the Balkans. The crusade against Islam and the Schismatic

Evolu t ion of the relations between the Roman-Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. Reform and counter-reform. The appearance of the Greek-Catholic Church

Relationships between the majorities and the minorities in Europe: general overview. Ethnic minorities: Germans in Central and South-Eastern Europe; Jews in Europe

Aromanians in the Balkan Peninsula. The Armenians

Western management of Balkan conflicts and EU’s posicion regarding the new countries in the region

The Balkans. A border area

Moldova. Ax is between the West and the East

EU immigrant communities – between national minority and religious minority

Transfer of exogene ethnic, religious and political tensions in the European area


Frank P. Harvey, „Primordialism, Evolutionary Theory and Ethnic Violence in the Balkans: Opportunities and Constraints for Theory and Policy”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2000, pp. 37-65

Haldun Gulalp, „Globalization and Political Islam: The Social Bases of Turkey's Welfare Party”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2001, pp. 433-448

Jean-Arnault Dérens, „Les Balkans. Entre intégration européenne et nouveaux déchirements”, Études, No. 9, Tome 409, 2008, pp. 307-316.

Jonathan Fox, Patrick James, Yitan Li, „ Religious Affinities and International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts in the Middle East and Beyond”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, No. 42, Vol. 1, 2009, pp. 161-186.

Jonathan Fox, Shmuel Sandler, „Separation of Religion and State in the Twenty-First Century: Comparing the Middle East and Western Democracies”, Comparative Politics, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2005, pp. 317-335

Kymlicka, W. & Norman, W. (eds) (2000) Citizenship in Diverse Societies, Oxford University Press

Leyla Dakhli, „Arabisme, nationalisme arabe et identifications transnationales arabes au 20e siècle”, Vingtième siècle, Vol. 3, No. 103, 2009, pp. 15-25

Meinhof, U. H. (ed.) (2002) Living (with) Borders: Identity Discourses on East-West Borders in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate

Nathalie Clayer, “Les musulmans des Balkans. Ou l’islam de « l’autre Europe »”, Le Courrier des Pays de l’Est, 2004/5, n°1045, pp. 16-27.

Nathalie Clayer, “ Islam et identité nationale dans l’espace albanais (Albanie, Macédoine, Kosovo) 1989-1998”, Archives de sciences sociales des religions, No. 115, 2001, pp. 161-181.

Philippe Bourmaud, „Construction nationale et discrimination au Proche-Orient. De la fin de l’Empire ottoman à nos jours”, Vingtième siècle, Vol. 3, No. 103, 2009, pp. 62-76.

Robbins, K. (2006) The Challenge of Transcultural Diversities: Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Robert M. Kunovich, Randy Hodson, „Conflict, Religious Identity, and Ethnic Intolerance in Croatia”, Social Forces, Vol. 78, No. 2, 1999, pp. 643-668

Roudometof, V. (1999) ‘Nationalism, Globalization, Eastern Orthodoxy: “Unthinking the Clash of Civilizations in Southeastern Europe,’ European Journal of Social Theory. 2 (2): 233-47.

Rumford, C. (ed.) (2006) ‘Theorizing Borders’. Special Issue of the European Journal of Social Theory. 9 (2).

Ulrike Freitag, „Writing Arab History: The Search for the Nation”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1994, pp. 19-37

Wolff, L. (1994) Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Please note that for Jean Monnet Chairs, only one professor may hold the Chair and must assume sole responsibility for delivering the minimum number of teaching hours required (90 hours).




International Conference “The Image of the Other in the European Intercultural Dialogue”, Oradea, Romania, 28-29 May, 2015

Roundtable: Intercultural Communication







The Institute for Euroregional Studies