Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November, 2016 10:24

Jean Monnet Module Polgár István


Migration and European Integration of Minorities at the Eastern Border of the European Union



The purpose for the project:
  • Demography issues and Migration issues are two of the key elements of modern society, bringing benefits and conflicts both to the receiving places and to the place of origin and raising issues of security, social measurments and multiculturalism in our globalised world.
  • One of the great challenges of contemporary Europe is related to migration and the need for European integration of minority communities, including immigrants. Evaluations conducted have shown that there is a great need for expertise and policies regarding the European integration of minorities in both their countries of origin and in the new host countries when we are dealing with migration. Migration has been amplified in the context of EU enlargement to Eastern Europe, millions of people migrating from the former communist countries to Western Europe.

The aims of the project:

  • In the area of the new eastern border of the European Union, there are specific ethnic and religious realities and it is important to know and understand them. The project aims at meeting the need for general and specific knowledge in the field of ethnic and religious realities at the European Union eastern border area, that is, European ecumenism, ethnic and religious borders, diversity management, contemporary demographic mutations, with a special emphasis on the phenomenon of migration, its implications, including the mechanisms for European integration of such minority communities, minority-majority relations, management of interethnic and interreligious conflicts, community and community borders, multicultural communication management and intercultural dialogue management needed by the large public, as well as specialists in issues related to Euroregional studies and the ENP.

General objectives of the project:

  • To reinforce the contribution of lifelong learning to social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, gender equality and personal fulfilment
  • To reinforce the role of lifelong learning in creating a sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for human rights and democracy, and encouraging tolerance and respect for other peoples and cultures

Specific objectives of the project :

  • to stimulate teaching and analysis in the field of European integration studies;
  • to stimulate research on European integration of minorities and immigrant communities by developing studies and strengthening expertise on both academic level and the national and local government or the civil society level

Operational objectives of the project :

  • to promote excellence in teaching, research and analysis in European integration studies in higher education institutions inside and outside the EU
  • to increase knowledge and awareness of issues related to European integration among academics and, in general, of the European citizens

Project Team:

  • Polgár István, Module Leader, Lecturer Phd, University of Oradea, CV (download)
  • Ioan Horga, Member of the teaching staff, Professor PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)
  • Mircea Brie, Member of the Teaching Staff, Professor PhD, University of Oradea, CV (download)


  • Demographic Vulnerabilities in the European Space , held by Polg ár István, course description (download)
  • Border Security and European Integration of Minorities , held by Ioan Horga, course description (download)
  • Minority, Intercultural Dialogue and Migration at the Eastern Border of the EU , held by Mircea Brie, course description (download)



International ConferenceMigration and European integration of minorities”

International Summer School “Ethnic Minorities and Majorities – Migration and Integration”







The Institute for Euroregional Studies