Last modified: Monday, 11 March, 2013 14:11
School for Euroregional Studies
BA in International Relations and European Studies (3 years)

In the year 2003, at the proposal of the Chair Jean Monnet in Euroregional Studies, the University of Oradea, the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, through the Government Decision no 12358/June 30, 2003, set up a new specialisation: International Relations. European Studies.The curriculum of this specialisation, as adapted to the requirements of the Bologna Process, consider the curricular pattern of any similar specialisation to an extent of 80%, while the other 20% includes lectures relevant to the EU regional policies in both cross-border and internal areas.



BA in International Relations and European Studies – in English (3 years)

Since the academic year 2010-2011, at the proposal of the Chair Jean Monnet in Euroregional Studies, the University of Oradea, the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, set up a new specialisation: International Relations. European Studies – in English .The curriculum of this specialisation, as adapted to the requirements of the Bologna Process, consider the curricular pattern of any similar specialisation to an extent of 80%, while the other 20% includes lectures relevant to the EU regional policies in both cross-border and internal areas.

European Master's Degree in Euoregional Studies and Cross-border Relations

Due to the experience of the Chair Jean Monnet in Euroregional Studies and to the Master in Euroregional Studies that was set up at the University of Oradea in the year 2001, which is associated to the Master in European Studies "The Process of Building Europe" belonging to the Siena Network (Athens, Coimbra, Krakow, Granada, Hanovra, Strasbourg, Siena, Salamanca) (, and to the Master on EU Territorial and Urban Development and Planning organized at the University of Debrecen, in collaboration with the University Paris IV - Sorbonne, the Universities of Oradea and Debrecen, in agreement with the partners mentioned above, express their willingness to collaborate in setting up a European Master aiming at forming specialists in regional and cross-border administration, as well as in project management in proximity areas of the European Union.



Master program in European Communication and Regional Development

The MA program in European Communication and Regional Development, organized by the Faculty of History, Geography and International Relations through the Department of European Studies and International Relations is designed having in mind the important role of communication within the regional development at European level. The initiative is based on the relationship between regional identities and the communication ties among all the actors, both public and private, involved in different interactions at regional/European level.


Master Program in Management of European Security

Since academic year of 2009-2010, the Faculty of History, Geography and International Relations from the University of Oradea, had launched a new master program in Management of European Security. The program is opened to all graduates interested in the new approaches of security within the international and European society and it comes as a need of specialization of security studies from a multi-disciplinary approach that must consider the social, economic, political and security challenges and interactions that affect the present evolutions within all levels of the European system.

Joint Doctoral School organized by the Universities of Oradea and Debrecen in the Fields of History, Geography, Economics and Law mentioning Euroregional Studies
There are several institutional contacts between the two Universities - the collaboration agreement signed in 1990; mobility programmes (for the academic year 2005-2006, there are 18 mobility openings for each institution by means of the Socrates Programme); the academic staff belonging to the two universities are either teaching or delivering conferences. The above mentioned contacts are acknowledged by the two institutions. In 2004, the Hungarian Academy of Science awarded the Pro Cooperatione prize to Prof. Ioan Horga from the University of Oradea for the contribution made to the inter-university collaboration between Debrecen and Oradea.
Books and Journals

Jean Monnet Module

Mass-Media and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe without Borders

The Institute for Euroregional Studies