Last modified: Friday, 25 September, 2015 11:50
News and Events - 2006/2007
2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016
25 Sep. 2006
Bucharest, External Affairs Ministry
Launching the book entitled: "From Smaller to Greater Europe"

3 Oct. 2006

University of Oradea, CICE
Course opening for the students from International Relations. European Studies
18 Oct. 2005 - 13:00
City Hall of Oradea

Launching the project entitled:"Let us think a commom development strategy for Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020"

18 Oct. 2006

University of Oradea

Launching the second year of the joint Oradea - Debrecen doctoral School

22 - 27 Oct. 2006

University of Oradea, Aula Magna

Conferences with Prof. Alla Rosca from the State University of Chisinau

26 - 28 Oct. 2006
University of Oradea, University of Debrecen

Opening of the IERS Masters Degrees

30 Oct. - 5 Nov. 2006


Studies visit of the BA students from RISE to the North-West Development Region Romania

19 Oct. - 15 Nov. 2006

Metropolitan Area Oradea
Applying the questionnaire: " Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020"

12 Nov. 2006

Regional Cross-border Cooperation Office
Presentation of the project: “Association of Hungarian-Romanian European Cross-border Communes (Eurolimes H/RO)” within the Phare-CBC 2005 call

1 - 30 Nov. 2006

Metropolitan Area Oradea

Media presentation of the project: " Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020" more...

20 - 22 Nov. 2006


Presentation of the course " Economies in Transition: Romania and Bulgaria" by PhD. Ioan Horga

30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2007
Conference entitled: "European Neighbourhood Policy - a view from the periphery" presented by Thomas Lunden from Sodertorn University College

7 - 8 Dec. 2006


IERS Third Term Meeting:" Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020"

Dec. 2006

Publication of the second issue of Eurolimes: "From Smaller to Greater Europe: Border Identitary Testimonies" - edited by Mircea Brie and Kozma Gabor more...

15 Dec. 2006


Thinking the Future Together Debrecen-Oradea (International conference)

23 - 24 Jan.2007

Promotion campaign of the Jean Monnet program for the member institutions of the "Association of the Universities from the Carphatian Region"
30 Jan. 2007
Launching the project "Unity and diversity in the Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion" Phare CBC 2004/ Interreg III A, 2nd priority, measure number 2.2
6 Feb. 2007
IERS Conference: "Debrecen - Oradea at the study of the EU's East Frontiers Programing"
15 Feb. 2007

Applying the questionnaire: " Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020"

22 - 24 Feb. 2007

Promotional campaign of projects promoting Jean Monnet in universities from the Upper Prut Euroregion
Mar. 2007   Publication of the third issue of Eurolimes: "Media, Intercultural Dialogue and the New Frontiers of Europe"
26 Mar. 2007
Conference entitled "Why Europe? 50 years of common road" held by Danielle Mancini, the Italian Ambasador to Bucharest

15 Feb. - 15 Mar. 2007


Applying the questionnaire: "Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020"

13 Mar. 2007
Conference: PhD. Prof. Istvan Suli Zakar, Debrecen University, ISER Co-director

1 - 30 Mar. 2007

Continuing the project entitled: "Let us think a commom development strategy for Debrecen - Oradea (700000) in 2020" in the media
3 Apr. 2007
Conference entitled " Investment opportunities in Romania" organized by IERS in cooperattion with the Italian European Centre of Information
23 Apr. 2007
Presentation of "The Strategic Development Programme of the Carpathian Euregion for the period 2007 - 2013" by PhD. Prof. Istvan Suli-Zakar, member of the Council of the Carphatian Euroregion

12 - 16 May 2007

Field application of the second year students in International Relations (BA)
1 May - 1 Oct. 2007   IERS strategy development for the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation program (Romanian side)

7 - 8 May 2007

IERS Fourth Term Meeting: presentation of the results of the "Thinking the Future Together. the Debrecen - Oradea Cross-border Agglomeration" project

8 - 9 May 2007

Celebration of the Day of Europe
5 - 9 Jun. 2007
International Seminar: "From Kaliningrad to the Black Sea"
30 Jun. - 6 Jul. 2007
Half-term meeting of the European Master in "Building of Europe" of the SIENA Group more...

17 - 28 Jul. 2007

Oradea, Cluj-Napoca,Targu Mures, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Stana de Vale

Summer school: "Aplications of intercultural communication"

The Institute for Euroregional Studies