Last modified: Friday, 25 September, 2015 12:10
News and Events - 2013/2014
2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016
14 January 2013
Model of UN Decision Making Procedures: UN Security Council Reform (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Constantin Ţoca)
15-16 January 2013
Meeting of IERS Activity for 2013 (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Istvan Suli Zakar and other members of IERS)
7-8 February 2013

Jean Monnet Cluster Meetting Trends and Developments in European Studies (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga) programme

18-20 February 2013
Lectures at Frontex International School, School of the Border Police, Oradea (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Dorin Dolghi, Edina Meszaros)
21-22 February 2013
Jean Monnet Conference "Desintegration and Integration in East-Central Europe (1919-post 1989)" (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Mircea Brie, Cristina Dogot)
28 February - 01 March 2013
Chernivtsi -Ukraine

Jean Monnet Conference “The Development of Political Science: European Practices and National Perspectives (participants of IERS: Dorin Dolghi, Ana Maria Ghimiş)

5-6 March 2013
Lectures in Sienna Master (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Dorin Dolghi)
13 March 2013
Conference of Professor Vasile Puşcaş (UBB Cluj-Napoca) Europe. Perspectives and Challenges
19 March 2013
Conference of Professor Vasile Cucerescu (Institute of International Relations of Republic of Moldova), European Perspectives of Moldova
21-22 March 2013
Uzghorod -Ukraine
Open of Institute of Research of Central Europe, University of Uzghorod, Ukraine (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga)
20-22 March 2013
"Science Festival" Debrecen (participants of IERS: Mircea Brie, Cristina Dogot, Istvan Polgar)
11-13 April 2013
Committee of WP Leaders of the ICMEEB Project (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Ariane Landuyt, Maria Manuela Tavaris Ribeiro, Giuliana Laschi) Programm Programm 2

25-26 April 2013

International Conference, From Schumann Declaration to Lisbon Treaty: What Political Finality for the European Union?
7-8 May 2013
Meeting of the Joint Master Program in European Administrative Law of the Universities of Oradea, Debrecen , Reims, Rszeszow (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga)
03-04 June 2013


ARISE National Scientific Conference program
4-12 June 2013

Oradea, Debrecen, Uzghorod, Chernivtsi, Chişinău, Suceava

ICMEEB Seminar Dissemination, Voluntarism and Determinism in the Construction or Deconstruction of European Frontiers
10 June 2013
Chisinau Workshop program
10-15 June 2013

Oradea, Stâna de Vale

International Summer School, Security dimensions at the Eastern Border of the EU
05 June 2013
Debrecen Workshop program
06 June 2013
Workshop Uzghorod program
08 June 2013
Cernauti/ Chernivtsi
Workshop Cernauti/ Chernivtsi program
24-28 June 2013
International Summer School, Coopération transfrontalière, instrument de l'intégration européenne
10-11 October 2013


International Roundtable Debate, Cross-border Cooperation - Models of Good Practices in the Carpathian Region (Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania)

24-26 October 2013
European Cultural Congress (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Cristina Dogot)
30-31 October 2013
Committee of WP Leaders of the ICMEEB Project (participants of IERS: Ioan Horga, Ariane Landuyt, Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, Giuliana Laschi)



The Institute for Euroregional Studies