Last modified: Wednesday, 18 April, 2018 12:27
IERS Projects


The Asociation of Institute for Euroregional Studies (IERS) "Jean Monnet" European Center of Excellence


Projects of ISER (2006-2013)

University of Oradea:

  • Jean Monnet (A-3022) Action’s Project, “European Parliament in Campus For the Intercultural Dialogue and European Neighborhood Policy in the Carpathian Area”, ( 2007-2008 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • Project “MA in Euroregional Studies and Cross Border Relations”, 2008-2010, EAC 15-08-051 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • „Let’s Think Together the Future: Cross-Border Agglomeration Debrecen-Oradea” Phare CBC Project, 2006-2007 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • Regimul juridic al organismelor de cooperare transfrontalieră în dreptul român şi maghiar . Modele europene de aplicare Programul PHARE CBC: RO - 2006/018 - 446. (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • Erasmus Thematic Network Project “Atelier: “I Mediterranei”South/East (coordinator University of Malta), 2004-2008 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • “IP Erasmus Project, The Birth and the Development of the European Consensus” (coord. University of Siena) (, 2006-2009 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • Erasmus Thematic Network SENT, (coord. University Tor Vergata-Roma) ( ), 2007-2010 (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • HURO Project “HURO Croos-border area for a sustenable development in the next 2 decenies” , 2010-2012, (coordinator University of Debrecen) (Lect.univ.dr. Istvan POLGAR) Link
  • Project POSDRU -The academic capacities for the HRD in the evaluation of public policies and programmes, 2010-2013 (coordinator SNSPA Bucusresti) (Prof.univ.dr. Ioan HORGA)
  • SSE Project Boosting Inovation through capacity buiding of network of sciences centers in SSE region , 2011-2014, (coordinator Debrecen Municipal Concile) (Lect.univ.dr. Mircea BRIE) (Link)
  • Module "Jean Monnet" - Active Citizenship, Identity and Democratic Governance in the European Union 2013-2016 (Conf. univ. dr. Cristina Matiuţa) Link [Page]
  • Module "Jean Monnet" - Migration and European integration of minorities at the eastern border of the EU 2013-2016 (Lect. univ. dr. Istvan POLGAR) Link [Page]



The Institute for Euroregional Studies